Free Bagasi Sahabat Jalan-jalan
Valid 31 Days after Claim
165.000 Pts
Redeem Now"Deskripsi Barang :
• Material : Nylon Parachute
• Dimensi : 42 x 34 cm
• Harga Normal : Rp 150.000"
"Syarat dan Ketentuan:
1. E- voucher hanya berlaku 01 - 5 Maret 2023.
2. E-voucher hanya bisa digunakan sebanyak 1 (satu) kali.
3. Harga spesial hanya berlaku untuk 1 barang & tidak dapat di gabungkan dengan promo lain.
4. E-voucher hanya berlaku di outlet Bag’s City, Bag's Station & Chat and Shop yang berpartisipasi dalam program BC Travelers.
5. Jika terdapat adanya kecurangan, BC Travelers berhak untuk membatalkan penerimaan e-vouchers. Hasil keputusan BC Travelers bersifat final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
6. Dengan melakukan transaksi di situs BC Travelers, member dianggap telah memahami peraturan diatas.
7. Info lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi customer service BC Travelers melalu e-mail atau WA kami di +62217563888
8. Hanya dapat melakukan redeem free product 1 kali
Terms and Conditions:
1. E-voucher is valid for 01 - 28 February 2023. If e-voucher is not exchanged within the time-period, the points you have redeemed is non- refundable.
2. E-voucher can only be used once.
3. The special price is only valid for 1 item & cannot be combined with other promos
4. E-voucher can only be exchanged at participating Bag’s City, Bag's Station & Chat and Shop.
5. If any form of fraud is found, BC Travelers holds the rights to cancel the
voucher redemption and all decisions related with this matter are held under BC Travelers’ complete rights and authority.
6. By participating in the transaction, customer is considered to have fully understood the terms and conditions listed above.
7. For more info, please contact BC Travelers Customer Service at or WA us at +62217563888"
8. Can only redeem the free product once
"Cara Pemakaian:
1. Pastikan persediaan produk di lokasi toko yang Anda kunjungi sebelum menukarkan poin dengan e-voucher
2. Tunjukkan e-voucher Anda ke Sales Assistant di toko untuk membeli barang dengan harga spesial.
How to Use:
1. Ensure product is in-stock at your preferred store location before redeeming points for e-voucher
2. Present your e-voucher to the Sales Assistant in-store to purchase item at a special price"
You have reached the maximum number of vouchers to redeem. Please contact us for more information.
Please verify your account by clicking the verification e-mail we sent to
To change your Date of Birth, please e-mail us at or whatsapp us at +6221 7563888
OkOrder Number has been claimed before. Please make sure you have entered the correct order number. Contact our Sales Associate if problem occurs
Redemption Date
Sales No.
Your transaction has been rejected. Please email us at or whatsapp us at +62217563888 for more info.
Your transaction is pending and awaiting approval. Please email us at or whatsapp us at +62217563888 for more info.
Ok0 of 10 referrals used.
Your Referral ID can be shared by copying the link to the clipboard or simply sharing the link on WhatsApp.
Referral ID also can be referred by fill in referred section on registration form.
You are entitled to 0 BC Travelers Points for every referred member who has spent a total of minimum IDR 1 Mio (lifetime accumulation).
Points will automatically be rewarded after the referred member has spent a total of IDR 1 Mio and done instant point (by registering their shopping receipt).
A maximum of 10 referred members will grants bonus points.
There is no limit for maximum referral ID that can be shared.
By participating in the referral program, customer is considered to have fully understood the terms and conditions listed above.
For more info, contact BC Travelers Customer Service at or Whatsapp at +62217563888
BC Travelers reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice
Kamu sudah melewati batas maximum refer ke orang lain. Terimakasih telah menjadi pelanggan setia Bag's City